A Message in a Time of Confusion

It seems like the world we live in keeps getting darker and scarier. On top of a nearly year-long pandemic, yesterday saw violence and disorder in Washington D.C. with the storming of the Capitol building during a joint-session of Congress. The events at the Capitol are deeply disturbing. Violence is not the way of Jesus and seeing it used for the sake of overturning a disputed election is sin. We condemn what happened in Washington, the rhetoric behind the violence, and those who incited it, including our current president, Donald Trump.

Furthermore, we lament the double standard shown in law enforcement. Yesterday a group of predominantly white protestors assaulted police without noticeable escalation in force from law enforcement. Yet, just last summer, a group of predominantly black and brown peaceful protestors in D.C. were met with riot gear and rubber bullets. This is the sin of racism. No group should be preferentially treated as all are children of God, made by him in his image, and skin color does not change that.

During the takeover of the Capitol yesterday, numerous Christian symbols were on display. Some Christians claim that we need to take this country back for God. Psalm 24:1 assures us that this country, other countries, this world, and this whole universe already belong to God. “The earth is the LORD’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it.” We must not conflate Christianity with Christian nationalism. Christianity is for all people living within all forms of government. Two thousand years ago, many in Israel put their hopes that the Messiah would come as a liberator who would overthrow Roman oppression and take Israel back to ancient borders. Instead, Jesus came and took the path of the cross, the path of nonviolence, the path of suffering, so that many might be saved from sin.

Our hope as Christians has never been in a government, although we hope the government rules wisely and justly. Our hope as Christians is in Jesus Christ first and only. We await the day of Jesus’ return when all will be made right and new and when there will be no more sin. Knowing this means that even when it seems like our country is crumbling around us, we do not have to worry. Our foundation is not in the U.S.A. Our foundation is Jesus Christ. In the meantime, we are called to live in a similar way to Jesus. We are called to live peaceably in the nation God has placed us and seek the best for the people of this land. We are called to practice the way of Jesus among the people, loving and influencing but not seeking power.

During this time, you may feel scared and hopeless. We are here to help you, as is the rest of our Embrace community. You do not need to go through this alone, please reach out if you desire help or companionship during this time.

We love you and are praying for you and for peace in our nation,

Your pastors,

Chad and Sam

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