Covenant Partners

We strive to be learners. After all, that’s what it means to be a disciple – a learner. Specifically, we are disciples or learners of Jesus and seek to live in the way of life he modeled and taught.

There are lots of ways to learn things but we believe it’s important to learn in the context of faithful friends that become something like an extended family to each other. In this setting, we have a chance to learn things from one another that might not come to us on our own. Each person brings a unique perspective and set of gifts that benefit the entire faith community. This is why you are valuable and needed.

In the coming weeks, you’ll have an opportunity to make a commitment to this faith community as a “covenant partner.” This is a way of saying “I’m in!” It means you are committing to giving of yourself to this community as we learn to live in the way of Jesus. Since this kind of covenant relationship is an ongoing thing we plan to celebrate “covenant partner” commitments and recommitments annually near the new year.

Regardless of whether you choose to become a covenant partner, you are always invited and welcome to participate in learning the way of Jesus with us. There will be a seat at the table reserved just for you.

May the blessing of God be upon you in this new year,

-Pastor Chad

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