We are an Empowering Faith Community.
Because of our desire to live in the Way of Jesus, we believe it’s vital to empower every person within our community of faith with the confidence and competence to freely live as people of faith. This is how Jesus led his first disciples. Jesus trained them so that after he left they could further his mission by training the next generation of disciples. Jesus took a group of ordinary Joe’s and modeled for them the way of true life.
At Embrace, we want you to be empowered to live this life and to pass it along for others to experience. We want you to feel as though you have the necessary relationships and resources to grow into who God has created you to be. We want you to be equipped to live an integrated life of faith all through the week as you go about the rigors of daily life.
No matter who you are, God calls you to God’s family. God wants to work in your innermost being and through your outward abilities and gifts to transform the world with the love of God. We do this best by empowering others. You can do this now, there’s no need to wait. Think about who God’s calling you to lead a life of faith for. Invest in them and give them access to your life. They will grow just as you will grow. You have our full backing to live this out. We will seek to resource you the best we can.
Grateful to be in it with you,
-Pastor Chad