
New Video Devotional + At-Home Resources

Greetings friends,

This is indeed a challenging season. Where can we turn when things seem at their most difficult? In this short devotional video, Pastor Sam shares some helpful words from the Apostle John. You can click on the image above or use this link: https://youtu.be/ca8GHcpyy-I

We want you to know we are here for you. Another way we seek to support you is through your ongoing spiritual growth. As you scroll down, you’ll find details about further resources that might be beneficial for you as you remain at home.

As always, if you could use assistance with a need, please let us know.

Peace be yours, Pastor Chad

At-Home Resources

3-Minute Daily Prayer Retreats


Common Prayer

Daily Prayer for Ordinary Radicals

Discovery Bible Study

This tells more about the type of Bible study we incorporate on Sunday nights

Prayer and Worship in Our Homes

a free online course

Illustrated Ministry

free devotional coloring pages

Remembering God’s Provision

A Response to the Coronavirus Crisis

Removing the coronavirus mask

May this crisis reveal us as Christians

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